Pink Shirt Day is coming up! The day came to be out of an act of compassion in 2007. There were two Nova Scotian high school students, David Shepherd and Travis Price, they stood up against bullying by supporting a fellow student that was being bullied for wearing a pink polo shirt. The day has become a movement to fight to end bullying.
How can fight for an end to bullying and spread kindness? Well, here is a way to show your support!
Harvard Media presents “A Pink Shirt Day Discussion,” in partnership with Kids Help Phone. You can join in on the Pink Shirt Day Discussion livestream on Wednesday, February 28th at 11:00 am MST/ 12:00 pm CST, featuring influential panelists. They will be discussing how bullying impacted and continues to impact their lives. They will all share their personal stories and open the floor for a virtual Q&A session whereby classrooms and participants can submit discussion questions.

I think this is such an important day to me. When I was a kid, I moved from Winnipeg to Calgary. It was a big, scary moment but it was exciting. Up until that point, I only knew 1 set of friends, 1 house and 1 city. I always dreamed of getting out and meeting new people. Finding even more friends. I remember counting down the days to moving and starting new. Then, it came, that first day of school on a crisp September morning. Sadly, that first day at a new school didn’t go as well as I expected. I was instantly super bullied for being the new girl. Everyone had lifelong friends and didn’t want anyone new to their groups. I was weird for my style, my glasses, my love for Taylor Swift and anything under the sun. I just remember feeling like the biggest outcast. I was sacred to tell my parents or teachers what was going on. I didn’t want anyone to worry, but staying silent just created so much anxiety for me. It’s a feeling that nobody should ever feel. I found my peace by singing and teaching myself how to play guitar! I would go to the music room, grab a guitar and learn to play all my favorite songs throughout the lunch hour. Music was my way to escape. Eventually, there were others that would come into the music room too, and it turned into a little jam session. It really neat and such a breath of fresh air! I found my people and I didn’t feel so alone. There was a teacher that, without knowing, would listen in on these jam sessions. After a few months, he decided to ask me to put together a little set and sing for a pink shirt day event at school! Just my guitar and I, all to help spread kindness through music and help bring people together, like I was doing all along. I don’t think I’ve ever been more scared than I was when I strummed that first note on my guitar. I went from the new, quiet girl, to speaking out louder than ever before. It went well, and slowly but surely, school wasn’t so bad anymore. I think one of the biggest things I learned from this all is being kind to people that come down your path. Spreading kindness every day is so easy to do. You never know what others are going through. That little ” hey! I hope you having a great day,” or little compliment can go a very long way. I try to always approach people with the same kindness I wish to receive. And wished to receive as a little girl. If there’s ever a way for you to help prevent bullying, show your support and being that safe person, do it.
Make sure to wash that pink shirt, and get ready for a very important day- Pink Shirt Day. Schools and classrooms can sign up now for the free Harvard Media A Pink Shirt Day Discussion live-stream!
Click here to find out more!