We know a lot of people who ask for advice when it comes to editing their dating profile. Here are some stats to back up what your profile needs and why

91% of people polled said they’re looking for someone who has the ability to do basic household chores
Some examples of things they like seeing on your profile in either a picture or a description of your daily life:
Knowing how to fold your laundry!! 82% of people are turned on my this (watch a youtube tutorial on how to properly fold your towels, please)
81% of people polled want to know that you can wash your dishes properly. Are you just tossing things into the dishwasher all willy nilly? That isn’t going to fly!
68% of single people polled are looking for a responsible partner in addition to someone who is caring. Do you have a pet to take care of? Do you go to bed at a decent hour? Do you go out for beers with the buds but only have one so you can get home safe?
91% of single online daters want to see photos showing a well-rounded person. Ones who prioritize friends, family and their work schedule.
90% look at photos to determine if someone takes care of themselves. Is the background of your bedroom clean? Did you wipe the counters?
64% of single online daters prefer photos of a potential match cooking a meal over working out at the gym. Maybe consider putting down the barbells and picking up the casserole dishes LOL