Lots of hockey, food and family time for us this weekend. How about you? We love seeing some of your photos from the weekend! Comment them below.

Ryder hosted some friends for the Oilers game over the weekend so decided to make mini steak sandwiches. Cut up baguette, t-bone steaks, garlic oil, homemade horseradish/garlic aioli and crispy onion tanglers. They melted in your mouth! So good!

Ryder and Lisa don’t take vacation often – so this is a big deal. They’re heading to ITALY in August (to any Italian reading this we know it’s giving typical tourist vibes as it will be boiling hot out that time of year) but it’s the only time slot we have to go LOL. Heading there with a group of friends. Any tips would be amazing!! Rome, Florence and some other towns in Tuscany

Ok – one more photo of the sandwiches because they were THAT good.

Ryder went to see Kim at Rain Hair Salon in West Edmonton Mall to fix his grimace moustache and help turn it blue for round 2 of the NHL Playoffs!

Lisa went for High Tea with her sisters and mama for Mother’s Day!