I posted a story on my Instagram on the weekend and had more DMs than I’ve ever had before with people demanding information! If you want to see the video of me cutting into this bad boy, I’ll be posting it on my IG this afternoon (@ryderfm). Anyway, here it is!
I made a Nashville Hot Chicken Pita, Al Pastor style. This is the unit that I purchased to make it happen.

Then I patted dry 10 chicken thighs, rubbed them in Olive Oil and covered them in Nashville Hot Chicken Blend Spiceology dry rub, and Frank’s new Nashville Hot Sauce.

Then you stack those suckers on your spear, and cook it until you reach 165 internal temp. I used my Traeger Smoker and ran them at 275 for a couple hours, then turned it up to 350 at the end so they’d crust a little. A thermometer is your best friend in this process, and make sure you’re checking fairly close to the middle. I also used this rad Meat Injector (which was also perfect for Turkey juicin’ bro – pictured below) for getting that juice on the bottom back into the meat a few times.

This is what the chicken looked like right before slicing!

Then when you slice it the pieces fall in the juice/sauce. I can’t even begin to tell you how awesome it is! I added the meat to Pitas with coleslaw, diced dill pickles and diced pickled jalapenos mixed, wrapped it up donair style and downed it at record speed. I feel like it could have used a little white sauce topping (garlic parm, or even ranch) but it wasn’t necessary. I’ve truly been thinking about these bad boys for 72 hours straight now.