Just A Tip, Maybe We Don’t Need To Tip

Just A Tip, Maybe We Don’t Need To Tip

Jul 15, 2024 | 1:14pm
We’ve always known it, but a little extra vindication never hurts—Canadians are generous, possibly to a fault. We’re tied for first in the world when it comes to tipping. On average, we tip anywhere from 15-20% on anything from food to haircuts and even oil changes! No wonder so many of us are trying to […]
Oilers Lose, But Things Could Be Worse…

Oilers Lose, But Things Could Be Worse…

Jun 25, 2024 | 3:34pm
Wouldn’t you know, the sun still came out today… well, mostly. It was a bit cloudy earlier. The point is, despite the Edmonton Oilers losing the Stanley Cup last night, the world didn’t end—though some fans felt like it might as well have. I get it. It’s tough spending over two months on an emotional […]
Shut Your Mouth… For Your Health?

Shut Your Mouth… For Your Health?

Jun 17, 2024 | 3:37pm
When it comes to the latest TikTok life hacks, you often wish people would just shut their mouths—literally. Thankfully, that’s exactly what the newest trend is all about! Guys are being encouraged to tape their mouths shut while they sleep to supposedly get a better jawline. Part of me is hella suspicious that women might […]
Apple’s New AI Feature Might Save More Than Just My Life

Apple’s New AI Feature Might Save More Than Just My Life

Jun 11, 2024 | 2:45pm
Apple is gearing up for, who is usually out to gouge us whenever and wherever they can, is helping us out for free this time, with another major iPhone update set to roll out in September, and they’ve just given us a sneak peek at what’s in store. Among the exciting new features, you’ll find […]
Spotify Raises Prices AGAIN, But There’s A Better Way…
Harv AI

Spotify Raises Prices AGAIN, But There’s A Better Way…

Jun 4, 2024 | 12:59pm
It’s not just groceries that have been taking a bigger bite out of our wallets over the past couple of years. Spotify has announced a SECOND hike in their monthly subscription rate, and we’re not even halfway through 2024! Sure, it’s great to have unlimited access to your favorite tunes anytime, anywhere, but there has […]
Oilers Fans Are Pumped! Cause It’s Been A While…

Oilers Fans Are Pumped! Cause It’s Been A While…

Jun 3, 2024 | 3:24pm
While my hockey loyalties might lie elsewhere, it’s hard to ignore the excitement surrounding the Edmonton Oilers today. Last night, the Oilers advanced to the Stanley Cup finals, and if you’re anywhere in Western Canada, you know it was a wild party in Edmonton. And why not? It’s been ages since the city had a […]
Canoe ownership is not for Arachnophobics!

Canoe ownership is not for Arachnophobics!

Jun 3, 2024 | 11:57am
A couple years ago there was a guy walking around his neighbourhood with a canoe on his head. He would stop every couple of houses and wrestle it down onto the ground, then with all his might he’d flip it back over thrusting it onto his shoulders before heading further down the road. When I […]
Does your yard need to ‘Be Better’??

Does your yard need to ‘Be Better’??

Mar 26, 2024 | 11:10am
The Better Homes, Gardens and Garages Auction is here! And there’s only a bit of time left to bid!! If you’ve been thinking about cleaning up the yard, making sure the grass is lush and bright, or adding that edging along your walkway to really get some definition – why not make this the year […]
If It’s Boeing, I’m Not Going

If It’s Boeing, I’m Not Going

Mar 15, 2024 | 8:31am
The Boeing 737 Max planes have been making a name for themselves and not in a good way. After multiple emergency landings, a rolling off the runway incident and losing a door in the air – safety should be everyone’s main concern. If you have to book a trip soon – you can give yourself […]
Tomorrow is Pink Shirt Day!

Tomorrow is Pink Shirt Day!

Feb 27, 2024 | 9:50am
Pink Shirt Day – a day to stand up to bullying – is tomorrow. Wash, iron, dry or buy that pink shirt and put it out tonight so it’s easy dressing in the morning! We’re recognizing Pink Shirt Day at Harvard Media with a livestreamed panel called “A Pink Shirt Day Discussion’ in support of […]